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Gobo effect allows for selecting a Gobo to go over the light beam.


Gobo effect allows for selecting a Gobo to go over the light beam. Depending on the capabilities of the fixture it also allows for controlling the rotation speed of the gobo wheel. There is no support for the Gobo effect in the preview at this time, although the preview legend can be used to verify the function is active.


  • Function - The function on the intelligent fixture that controls the gobo wheel. If the fixture supports more than one gobo wheel this is where you pick the desired wheel.

  • Gobo - Selects a specific gobo on the wheel or an option to rotate the gobo wheel.

  • Rotation Speed - Selects the rotation speed of the gobo wheel. Direction of the rotation is usually determined by the selected gobo option.


  • For an intelligent fixture to support the Gobo effect it must have a Gobo Wheel Function with the Gobo tag.