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Spin Color Wheel

Spin Color Wheel effect spins the intelligent fixture color wheel.


Spin Color Wheel effect spins the intelligent fixture color wheel. The effect configures the rotation speed and intensity of the light beam. The display preview will show a beam changing colors but does not attempt to reflect the rotation speed as that is hardware dependent.


  • Function - The function on the intelligent fixture that controls the color wheel. If the fixture supports more than one color wheel this is where you pick the desired color wheel.

  • Setting - Index setting on the color wheel to pick the direction and rate of speed.

  • Rotation Speed - Curve configures the rotation speed over the duration of the effect. How this curve is interpreted by the fixture is determined by the selected Setting.

  • Intensity - Intensity of the light beam over the duration of the effect.


  • For an intelligent fixture to support the Spin Color Wheel effect it must have the following:

    1. Color Wheel function with ‘Spin Color Wheel’ tag.
    2. One or more Color Wheel index items with the Use Curve option selected.