Advanced Mode

Creates an effect that outlines a display element with a border with advanced configuration controls.


Creates an effect that outlines a display element with a border with advanced configuration controls.

String Setup

  • Positioning - Determines how the target elements are treated. Either as individual strings or by their actual location in the display preview. Locations is often referred to as whole house, but it can be any form of multiple props. Generally you want Strings when applying to one prop and locations if the target is multiple props.

  • Orientation - Controls the orientation of the display area (matrix).


  • Border Mode - Selects between Simple, Advanced, or Marquee borders.

  • Border Type - Selects between Single or Independent border width control.
    Single border type makes all the sides of the display element a uniform thickness.


  • Thickness - Adjusts the thickness of the border. Applies when Single Border Type is selected.

  • Top Width - Adjusts the top border thickness. Applies when Border Type is set to Independent.

  • Bottom Width - Adjusts the bottom border thickness. Applies when Border Type is set to Independent.

  • Left Width - Adjusts the left border thickness. Applies when Border Type is set to Independent.

  • Right Width - Adjusts the right border thickness. Applies when Border Type is set to Independent.

  • Width - Configures the width of the border.

  • Height - Configures the height of the border.


  • X Offset - Adjusts the position of the effect along the X axis.

  • Y Offset - Adjusts the position of the effect along the Y axis.


  • Gradient Mode - Configures how the Color Gradient is applied to the border (Over Time, Across Element, Vertically Across Element, Diagonal Bottom-Top Element, Diagonal Top-Bottom Element).

  • Color Gradient - Controls the colors of the border.


  • Intensity - This is an overall brightness intensity curve over the duration of the effect. This is a legacy parameter, consider using intensity overlay layers instead.