
Creates an effect simulating the geometric patterns created by a children’’s spirograph geometric drawing toy.


Creates an effect simulating the geometric patterns created by a children’’s spirograph geometric drawing toy. This effect creates moving flower type effects. When setting the controls for this effect, it is helpful to understand the actual toy it is based upon: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spirograph

String Setup

  • Orientation - Controls the orientation of the display area (matrix).


  • Speed - The speed at which the pattern is drawn.

  • Outer Circle Radius - The radius of the inner circle.

  • InnerCircle Radius - The radius of the outer circle.

  • Spirographs - The number of circles (roulette curves) that make up the spirograph.

  • Distance - A fixed distance between the circles

  • Color Range - When color type is set to Standard, this defines what part of the range of colors is used.

  • Animate Distance - Uses a variable distance instead of a fixed distance. Creates a sense of growth in the pattern.


  • Color Type - Controls how color is applied to the effect.

    • Standard - Uses the defined colors/gradients in order from center outward.
    • Rainbow - Draws in completely random colors.
    • Random - Uses only the defined colors randomly.
  • Gradients - One or more colors used to shade the effect.


  • Intensity - This is an overall brightness intensity curve over the duration of the effect. This is a legacy parameter, consider using intensity overlay layers instead.


Last modified February 16, 2023: Update effect aliases (5d8efc0)