Editor Shortcut keys

This section covers the shortcut keys used in the application.




 CTRL + A  Select All Effects
 CTRL + E Edit Effect (old nutcracker only)
 DEL  Delete Selected Element
 CTRL + X  Cut
 CTRL + C  Copy
 CTRL + V  Paste
 CTRL + Click and Drag  Duplicate Effect
 CTRL + Context add effect  Invokes Add Multiple function. Works only with Add Effect in context menu.
 SHIFT + Left Arrow  Nudge selected effect(s) left
 SHIFT + Right Arrow  Nudge selected effect(s) right
 CTRL + Right Arrow  Move selected effect right.
 CTRL + Left Arrow  Move selected effect left.
 (SHIFT) + S  Same as Align element start time in context menu. Key by itself moves start time, adding SHIFT holds duration. Mouse pointer over selected element to use for align to.
 (SHIFT) + E  Same as Align element end time in context menu. Key by itself moves start time, adding SHIFT holds duration. Mouse pointer over selected element to use for align to.
 B  Same as Align element start and end time in context menu. Mouse pointer over selected element to use for align to.
 CTRL + SHIFT + S  Align the beginning of the selected effects to the closest Mark.
 CTRL + SHIFT + E  Align the end of the selected effects to the closest Mark.
 CTRL + SHIFT + B  Align the beginning and end of the selected effects to the closest Mark.

Effect Editor

 CTRL + SHIFT + Click  Flip Curve Vertically
 ALT + SHIFT + Click  Flip Curve Horizontally

Zoom and Scroll

 CTRL +  Zoom Time in
 CTRL –  Zoom Time out
 CTRL + Mouse Wheel  Zoom Time
 SHIFT + Mouse Wheel  Scroll Timeline
 Page Up / Down  Scroll up / down in Timeline
 CTRL + Page Up / Down  Scroll Timeline
 Home  Jump to top of Timeline grid
 End  Jump to bottom of Timeline grid
 CTRL + Home  Jump to the start of time in the Timeline
 CTRL + End  Jump to the end of time in the Timeline
 CTRL SHIFT +  Zoom Row Height in
 CTRL SHIFT –  Zoom Row Height Out
 CTRL SHIFT + Mouse Wheel Change Default Row Height for all rows
 T  Toggle Selected Row expanded/collapsed
 CTRL + T  Toggle Selected Row and child rows expanded/collapsed

Transport Controls

 Space Bar  Play/Stop Sequence
 F5  Play Sequence
 F8  Stop Sequence
 F6  Pause Sequence
SHIFT + SPACE Create Mark.

The Mark is created for the current cursor time.  It is added to the currently selected Mark Collection.  This function only works while the sequence is playing.


 CTRL + S  Save Sequence
 CTRL + ALT + S  Save As
 CTRL + Q  Quit

Click here for a demo on the use of Shortcuts.

Click on the Shortcut Key card below to enlarge or right click and Save target. There is a light and a dark version of it depending on your visual needs. Recommend printing and attaching to the side of your monitor.

Last modified February 6, 2023: Update front matter to have description. (6e69608)